Educational Classes

Superior Expo features two days of classes that are strategically prepared to educate, motivate, and inspire attendees.


Take advantage of the opportunity to expand your product and industry knowledge by attending our education and informative events that reflect today’s market. Vendor Presentations and Product Demos will also be presented through out both days.


All Educational Events are taught by skilled and experienced professionals.


2019 Schedule

Educational Classes

Educational Classes

  • ALL MORNING Cardinal Vendor Demos
  • 9:15 AM  Ray Randolph  presents Becoming a Learning Organization
  • 10:15 AM  Kristen Dressler presents Hiring Smarter to Grow Better
  • 11:15 AM  SPP Marketing Panel on Marketing Lessons We’ve Learned
  • 1:30 PM Keynote Speaker Luke Kuepfer: Going Where You Want to Go!

*** Schedule is subject to change.

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